1stDevelop AdelaideRecipes App (Free version) : Privacy policy

This is an Android app developed by Canossa Dias Lda (1stDevelop Brand).
The app is available on Google Play.
As avid Android users ourselfs, We take privacy very seriously.
We know how irritating it is when apps collect your data without your knowledge.
we hereby state, to the best of our knowledge and belief, that we have not programmed this app to collect any personally identifiable information, or any other data.
All data (app preferences (like theme, etc.)) created by the you (the user) are stored on your device only,
and can be simply erased by clearing the app's data or uninstalling it.
there is no data been transfer to any server.
Explanation of permissions requested in the app
The list of permissions required by the app can be found in the AndroidManifest.xml file:
android.permission.INTERNET - Enables the app to access recipes information
android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - Enables the app to identify if internet/network is available
If you find any security vulnerability that has been inadvertently caused by us, or have any question regarding how the app protectes your privacy, please send us an email , and we will surely try to fix it/help you.
Yours sincerely,
Canossa Dias Lda